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Neem Facial Moisturising Cream 50ml

Neem is one of the most powerful ayurvedic herbs that have several healing properties, traditionally the Neem tree grows in India but for a while now Australia has various Neem plantations in Queensland, as a result we use Australian grown Neem oil in our skin care.

Neem has wonderful antibacterial properties, not only for oily or acne prone skin but Neo Neem moisturising cream is also perfect for balancing oil production and helps hydrate dry skin. Use daily as your go to moisturiser or as a night cream.

Some of the properties in our Neem moisturiser are designed to help:

  • improve problem, acne prone skin
  • moisturise dry skin restoring lustre & Shine
  • helps tighten pores and ideally can be used day or night.

P.S our product packaging has is alternating from an airless pump to a glass jar depending on packaging availability. 

Directions: Apply to a clean face and massage in well, can be applied under makeup or after shaving for men. Some of you may also like it as a night cream - help pores breath and skin rejuvenate with our Neem moisturiser.

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